S/D treatment
Inactivation of H1N1 by the organic solvent tri (n-butyl)-phosphate (TNBP) and the detergent Triton X-100 was measured. Thirty-six milliliters of virus solu-tion in BLUE MAX 50 mL Polypropylene Conical Tube was treated with TNBP and Triton X-100, with the final concentration of 0.3% (vol/vol) and 1.0% (vol/vol), re-spectively, and then incubated at 208C. Samples were takenatindicatedtimeperiods(1,2.5,5,and10minutes), diluted 128-folds with cell culture medium to stop the cytotoxic and interfering effects of the disinfectants, and then titrated immediately. To assess further the ro-bustness of S/D treatment, the virus solution was treated with 50% and 25% of the specified S/D concentrations.