dear ET. where are you now?.are you missing me? I miss you a lot since you gone.I'd write to tell you about my space craft and my journey. This space craft is very beautiful and it's so huge, it have warp drive and Nuclear reactor to supply all power, it in the center of the body to protect it from every thing to damage on Nuclear Engine, I am super busy to find my control room i spend time to find it so long. but everything make me fell like my new home. I love the space because it have many mystery wait to discovered. this space craft it nothing to do much because it have super computer to command in auto mode. i will frozen myself for a long journey to the X planet it will take 460 weeks in earth time. anyway, when i woke up i hope to see your message about you locate, if I travel through close i will go to you for your diner do not invite me because I invite my self lol. let me know if you can make it. Love KAO