A total of 16 stroke patients who voluntarily agreed to active participation were included in this study. The selection criteria were: 1) independent gait ability with or without walking aid for a minimum of 15 m; 2) a Mini-Mental State Examination score greater than 24/3011); 3) adequate vision and hearing for completion of the study protocol, as indicated by the ability to follow written and oral instructions during screening; and 4) the capacity to understand and follow instructions. Exclusion criteria were 1) a history of previous stroke or other neurologic diseases or disorders; 2) patients with pusher syndrome (defined as leaning to the hemiparetic side and giving resistance to any attempt at passive correction); 3) terminal illness; and 4) pain, limited motion, or weakness in the non-paretic lower extremity that affected performance of daily activities (by self-report). Each participant signed an informed consent prior to participation. The subjects were randomly divided into the core stabilization exercise group (eight subjects) and the control group (eight subjects). Subjects in both groups participated in a general training program for five sessions, 60 minutes per week, during a period of four weeks. Subjects in the core stabilization exercise group practiced additional core stabilization exercises for three sessions of 30 minutes per week, for a period of four weeks. General characteristics of the core stabilization exercise group and control group are shown in Table 1.