super cool super cookSam stern is a celebrity chef and cookery book wr การแปล - super cool super cookSam stern is a celebrity chef and cookery book wr บาสก์ วิธีการพูด

super cool super cookSam stern is a

super cool super cook
Sam stern is a celebrity chef and cookery book writet. But he's a student, too His recipes are fast, easy and healthy. He often takes cakes into school for his classmates. Lucky them
sam likes experimenting with food and he invent a new recipe each week. He hates writing about the recipes so he and his mum cook together. then she writes the recipes down.
cooking is a problem in his house. the problem is, there are seven people in sam's family - his parents, his brother and his three sisters, and they're all differant One sister is a vegetarainut his brother loves meat and his dad doesn't eat chocolate or cheese.
sam is very busy He writes a blog, he talks about his life and recipes. he wants teenagers ti cook healthy food. Lotd of teenagers read sam's blog and try his recipes. And he's got a brilliant new idea - phone dowloads of his recipes
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super cool super egosten
Sam popa ospetsuk chef eta sukaldaritzako liburu writet da. Baina ikasle bat izan zen, gehiegi Bere errezeta azkar, erraz eta osasungarriak dira. Sarritan pastelak hartu zuen bere ikaskideekin eskolan sartu. Lucky beraientzat
sam gustuko janaria esperimentatzen eta aste bakoitzean errezeta berri bat asmatu zuen. Errezeta buruz idazten hasi gorroto hain zuen, eta bere ama egosten elkarrekin. orduan errezeta behera idazten zuen.
sukaldaritza bere etxean arazo bat da. arazoa da, sam familia zazpi pertsona daude - bere gurasoak, bere anaia eta bere hiru arrebak, eta guztiak differant arreba One vegetarainut bat bere anaia haragia maite da, ari dira eta bere aita ez txokolatea edo gazta jan.
sam da oso lanpetuta blog bat, hitz egiten bere bizitza eta errezetak buruz idazten zuen. nerabe nahi zuen egosten ti janari osasuntsua. Nerabeen Lotd irakurri sam blog eta bere errezeta saiatu. Eta lortu bikaina berriaren ideia - telefono dowloads bere errezeta
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