The rice husk particles (its approximate and ultimate analysis is shown in table II) were milled and sieved up to about 2.0x8.0 mm size and stored in the laboratory. The combustor was operated at the combustion temperature below 1000C in order to control pollutant emission. A 2-hp blower was used for providing both primary and secondary combustion airs. Rice husk fuel was fed through a screw feeder and injected to the chamber by pneumatic conveying via the secondary air. Start up process was commenced by heating up the SFBC with LPG torch inserted at the bottom of chamber. The preheating took about 10 minutes for the chamber to raise its temperature to be about 500oC. Then feeding commenced through the hopper, slowly with the rice husk until 0.1 kg/min and kept constant and in the meantime, feeding primary airflow is gradually adjusted to create fluidization.