The design operating conditions of the plant are reported in Table 1. In order to keep within the range of solar
receiver outlet temperature and to maximize the solar share, a thermal energy storage unit is integrated in the
system. The maximum value of the solar receiver outlet temperature is set to 750°C, which is also the maximum
temperature allowed at the combustion chamber inlet TCCh,in,max.
The operation of the solar hybrid power plant is simulated with the model over 14 working hours, on the basis of
one day featuring a clear sky –from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.- followed by a cloudy afternoon and evening from 3 p.m. to 8
p.m. (see Figure 2). The operation strategy consists in maximizing both the electricity generation and the conversion
rate of the available solar resource. This simulated operation allows studying a storage charging mode followed by a
storage discharging mode.
Figure 3a shows the evolution of the breakdown of solar and fossil contributions to the power generation. Figure
3b plots the air mass flow-rate in the main components: storage unit, solar receiver, combustion chamber. The
operating modes defined in section 2 are distinguished in Figure 3. In the early morning, the DNI is equal to zero
and the storage is empty. The storage is idle and the plant operates in the fossil-only mode. From 6:30 a.m. to 7:30
a.m., the solar contribution to the heat provided to the fluid increases, while the fossil contribution decreases
accordingly. During this period, the DNI is not high enough to reach 750°C at the solar receiver outlet.
Consequently the storage remains idle. The air mass flow-rate in the receiver is constant.
The design operating conditions of the plant are reported in Table 1. In order to keep within the range of solar
receiver outlet temperature and to maximize the solar share, a thermal energy storage unit is integrated in the
system. The maximum value of the solar receiver outlet temperature is set to 750°C, which is also the maximum
temperature allowed at the combustion chamber inlet TCCh,in,max.
The operation of the solar hybrid power plant is simulated with the model over 14 working hours, on the basis of
one day featuring a clear sky –from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.- followed by a cloudy afternoon and evening from 3 p.m. to 8
p.m. (see Figure 2). The operation strategy consists in maximizing both the electricity generation and the conversion
rate of the available solar resource. This simulated operation allows studying a storage charging mode followed by a
storage discharging mode.
Figure 3a shows the evolution of the breakdown of solar and fossil contributions to the power generation. Figure
3b plots the air mass flow-rate in the main components: storage unit, solar receiver, combustion chamber. The
operating modes defined in section 2 are distinguished in Figure 3. In the early morning, the DNI is equal to zero
and the storage is empty. The storage is idle and the plant operates in the fossil-only mode. From 6:30 a.m. to 7:30
a.m., the solar contribution to the heat provided to the fluid increases, while the fossil contribution decreases
accordingly. During this period, the DNI is not high enough to reach 750°C at the solar receiver outlet.
Consequently the storage remains idle. The air mass flow-rate in the receiver is constant.
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