Approach Jump and Reach Testing
Vertical jump height significantly decreased by 5.4% from
start of season to midseason, but significantly increased
by 5.3% from midseason to end of season. There was no
significant difference in vertical jump and reach between
start- and end-of-season testing (Table 1).
Loaded Jump Squat Testing
Average force and power were not significantly different
from start of season to midseason, but end-of-season values
were significantly higher than both start-of-season
and midseason values (force, 9.9 and 12.4%; power, 8.8
and 12.0%). No other statistically significant changes
were observed (Table 2).
Jump Squat Testing
Peak force in the JS did not change from start of season
to midseason or midseason to end of season, but there was
a significant increase of 5.7% over the course of the whole
season. The only other significant changes were observed