The potential of using the biocontrol agent Candida oleophila and sodium bicarbonate solution alone or in combination to reduce
anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on papaya (Carica papaya L.) in storage was investigated. Treatment with 2%
sodium bicarbonate did not significantly affect the growth of the biocontrol agent The efficacy of sodium bicarbonate at 2% for
control of anthracnose increased when combined with C. oleophila strain (1–182) resulting in significant reduction of disease
incidence at 13.5C and 95% RH for 14 days and afterwards by 2 days at simulated marketing conditions (25C, 75%). The growth
of C. gloeosporioides was reduced significantly in the presence of C. oleophila in both inoculated and naturally infected fruits. Thus,
use of sodium bicarbonate at 2% with the antagonist C. oleophila is a promising alternative to chemicals to control anthracnose, a
major postharvest disease on papaya during storage.
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