For shorter stays, the respondents predominantly chose strategies I, III and
VII. Two of these strategies include illegal parking as an option. The risk of
being fined is judged to be so small to be negligible by these respondents.
The drivers did not consider the disruptive effect of illegally parked cars,
justifying their action as a response to the high prices of off-street facilities.
For longer durations the large majority of the drivers chose strategies II and
IV. The remaining respondents chose strategies III and VI in equal
proportions. The choice for or against off-street facilities within strategy II
was based either on price sensitivity, especially among the interviewed
university students, or on safety grounds raised not only by the interviewed
women. The quasi-random circling search did not play a big role in the
discussions. The respondents seemed to feel embarrassed to admit using
this strategy, which is generally disapproved of. The true share of this
strategy might be substantially higher.