Filing Fee: A filing fee is required for each APEN submitted. This includes APENs
submitted for administrative changes (e.g., change in ownership, change in
location). Fees are subject to change by the legislature on an annual basis.
Annual Fee: All sources required to file APENs must pay annual fees. The Division
bills each source subject to an APEN filing fee per ton of criteria pollutants
emitted and per ton of non-criteria (hazardous air pollutants) emitted. The
Division mails invoices for these fees in May or June of each year (these fees
account for the emissions from the previous year’s operation). Fees are subject
to change by the legislature on an annual basis.
Permit Processing Fee: In addition to the APEN filing fee, permit-processing fees
will be assessed at an hourly rate. If the total processing time is anticipated to be
more than 30 hours the Division will contact the applicant in writing and provide
an estimate of the projected processing time. The applicant can waive this notice
by submitting a letter making this request when the application is submitted.