Afterward he knew, even if his there does not have the issue , after eating revived pill, will have the issue, because this set of remnant sword inheritance is the palace spreads, is a father-in-law creates, the person of practice must be a man, but in the body cannot have too many Yang spirit.
However finally above added that if after practicing big Complete Accomplishment, will make the body recover completely, in addition does not have the means.
Also is this reason, Hua's Second Young Master happy, because he felt that Qing Shui cannot cure him, because can say that function and beforehand injury of his body in reviving under pill's should be different, but he has not lost heart, the hope tries, after all after practicing big Complete Accomplishment, is extremely uncertain, even if can at least also be 200 years later even is longer.
He felt that he could not wait for that time, innermost feelings not true was quiet, he felt that he forever is unable to achieve Greatly Complete Realm, therefore Qing Shui was his hope, he knows that the medical skill of this person was very fearful.