Universal asynchronous receiver/ transmitter is usually an individual integrated circuit used for serial communications
over a computer or peripheral device serial port.
UART are now commonly included in microcontrollers.
A dual UART combines two UARTS into a single chip.
Many modern ICs come with a UART that can also communicate synchronously; these devices are called UART.
A smart phone Android operated robot.
Now here is a simple to control your robot/robo car using Bluetooth module
HC-06 and 89c2051 microcontroller with your android Smartphone device.
The controlling devices of the whole system are a microcontroller.
Bluetooth module, DC motors are interfaced to the microcontroller. The data receive by the Bluetooth module from android smart phone is fed as input to the controller.
The controller acts accordingly on the DC motor of the robot. The robot in the project can be made to
move in all the four directions using the android phone.
The direction of the robot is indicators using LED indicators of the Robot system.
In achieving the task the controller is loaded with program written using Embedded „C‟
Languages. Android smart phone controller Bluetooth robot