Bovy you are still misunderstanding many of the things I said, but I am too tired to even explain to you . I am sick and I miss you. I don't know what it's like to be a husband Bovy, I understand I should have given you more information but I fell asleep, I can't apologize for falling asleep,it was out of my control, only thing I can apologize for is for not understanding the way you think, but I think yo also don't understand me, I feel like weshou,don't be so concerned about me not telling you where I was going , I admit I should have told you but I fell asleep on the floor, but there is too much focus on that and not my health. I have had my friends want to take care of me today, I didn't do nothing but sleep and wait for you to realize we are arguing about nothing important that we couldn't solve. In the future I will be more detailed, sorry for worrying you so much, but right now I want to focus on getting better and taking care of my leg , the location is close to a dangerous place where I could die, so just know I love you very much . Don't listen to my words or listen to what you will, you've pretty much ignored mine but have not forgotten to tell yo sweet dreams and good night and that I over you in an arguement.....i always continue to improve .