C. nutans has been broadly used as traditional medicine in
several countries in Asia. All parts of this plant have been used
in the treatment and prevention of several complications especially
for viral infection, cancer and skin inflammation caused by
insect bites. Flavonoids are the main bioactive compounds in
this plant and different extracts have been found to posses biological
activity. Less toxicity of this plant represent the possible
uses as therapeutic remedy for several ailments.
This review has presented a comprehensive view about the
phytochemistry and pharmacology of C. nutans. However the
research is very limited in some areas and further study on
phytochemicals and their mode of actions revealing pharmacological
effects are required to fully understand in concern with
the traditional uses. In addition majority of medicinal studies
were conducted using crude and poorly other solvent extracts. In
such case more bioactive compounds should be identified
through bioassay guided isolation. More clinical studies on the
toxicity of extracts from different parts and the isolated compounds
from this plant need to be assessed for ensuring the safe
application as modern medicines.