years of their married life, and he could be difficult to livewith but การแปล - years of their married life, and he could be difficult to livewith but มาเลย์ วิธีการพูด

years of their married life, and he

years of their married life, and he could be difficult to live
with but she knew him so well. She knew what he liked to
eat, she knew the way he combed his hair, she knew what
he would think about a programme on TV. He was part of
The first thing she had to do was stop Stephen buying
Dolphin Cottage tonight. He was going to be very confused about why she had changed her mind and horribly
disappointed. And he'd have to find a new job somewhere.
Oh God! How was she going to explain her reasons -
maybe she could introduce the idea of moving out of
London but not going quite so far as Cornwall. It was true
she had been thinking about the things she would miss
when they moved - her friends, the fun of living in the
capital city. What about Brighton! Lots of London people
moved to Brighton, and she and Stephen had always
enjoyed the weekends they had spent there.
Just as she was walking through to the kitchen, the
phone rang. It made her jump. 'Stephen, or Mum,' she
thought. 'They're the only people who'd phone so early in
the morning. Or maybe it's Tristan.' Whoever it was, she
wasn't ready to speak. She picked it up nervously.
It was Stephen. 'Anna, I've just seen Tristan. He's just
told me something. We've got to talk.'
Anna's heart froze.
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (มาเลย์) 1: [สำเนา]
tahun perkahwinan mereka, dan dia boleh menjadi sukar untuk hidup dengan
tetapi dia tahu dia begitu baik. dia tahu apa yang dia suka
makan, dia tahu cara dia menyikat rambutnya, dia tahu apa yang dia
akan berfikir tentang program di tv. dia adalah sebahagian daripada
perkara pertama yang dia terpaksa lakukan ialah berhenti stephen membeli
lumba-lumba kampung malam ini. dia akan menjadi sangat keliru tentang mengapa dia telah berubah fikiran dan teruk
kecewa. dan dia akan perlu mencari pekerjaan baru tempat.
oh tuhan! bagaimanakah dia akan menjelaskan sebab-sebab beliau -
mungkin dia boleh memperkenalkan idea bergerak keluar dari
london tetapi tidak akan cukup setakat cornwall. ia adalah benar
dia telah memikirkan tentang perkara yang dia akan terlepas
apabila mereka berpindah - kawan-kawan, keseronokan hidup di ibu kota
. bagaimana pula brighton! ramai orang london
berpindah ke brighton, dan dia dan stephen mempunyai sentiasa
menikmati hujung minggu mereka telah membelanjakan di sana.
hanya kerana dia berjalan melalui ke dapur, telefon
berdering. ia dibuat lompat beliau. 'Stephen, atau ibu,' dia
berfikir. 'Mereka hanya orang yang akan menelefon begitu awal
pagi. atau mungkin ia adalah Tristan. ' sesiapa yang ia adalah, dia
tidak bersedia untuk bercakap. dia mengambilnya cemas.
ia stephen. 'Anna,Saya baru sahaja dilihat Tristan. dia hanya
memberitahu saya sesuatu. kami telah mendapat untuk bercakap.
hati anna beku.
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