First - I don't even like that pic but I had to put something there. Well I'm a simple guy, you can guess why I'm here. I'm actually from Cyprus but studying here. I'm more of a listener rather than a talker, but I think I'm a good friend. I'm often sarcastic to the point that sometimes you might have no idea if I'm being serious or not. It might take some time for you to get used to me so keep that in mind if you wanna message me (if you can't deal with that, it's up to you). If you wanna know more, don't hesitate to message. But more than "hi!" because I'll probably reply "hey" (because why should I put in extra effort if you didn't) and that's not really helpful to generate a conversation. You can say what made you want to message me for example, and I usually prefer long messages, at least write a few sentences. And obviously I can understand only the 2 languages at it says on my profile, so messaging me in korean or russian or whatever and expecting a reply might be a little too optimistic (sure I can use google translate but so can you). I usually don't reply immediately but if you at least tried to communicate a little bit then I'll reply when I stop being lazy. By the way I often forget about the posts made on my wall so messaging is a better option. I won't accept friend requests if we haven't talked before (this is for you random Asian people, if you don't know what this sentence means I'm sure google translate can do a decent job to help you understand it).
If I view your profile several times, it's because I forgot I already visited it before (don't worry, I have better things to do than stalking some random person on the internet that I don't even know).
By the way, if you want to exchange postcards I might be your pen pal, you can ask me. And I might be able to help you with some little things but I can't teach you any languages, don't even ask.
Wanna know a random fact about me?
Then ask me I already wrote like 5000 words come on what more do you want me to write here
Frequently received messages and my replies so don't bother asking these: