I have been working here since June. I want you to know that I am thankful to work here and happy to have the opportunity to serve you and the company in these many areas. There is however, one area of my responsibilities which I need to discuss with you. And it is for this purpose, I am writing this letter. I remember you told me if I have any problems or issues then we can talk.
Last week, I was tasked with picking up 3 male clients from Japan, taking them to dinner and then dropping them off at the airport. I picked them up as instructed, sat in a small car with 3 men, and then took them out for dinner where they proceeded to get drunk on alcoholic beverages. This was not only a very awkward situation, but a potentially dangerous one for me since I am a woman. I am not comfortable escorting male clients to dinner alone. In my opinion, it is simply a matter of time before one of them drinks too much alcohol and crosses the line. I have had this experience in my past which keeps haunting me till this day and I am not willing to have it again. From this point forward, I am no longer able or willing to perform this duty alone. To do so for me, would be to dishonor myself, my family and my God. I also believe having me or any woman in this situation puts my/her life in danger. I have written this letter in English because it is simply easier for me to explain than in Thai. I have no problem with any of my other duties. I truly hope you can understand and respect my decision. If you would like to discuss this with me further, just let me know. Thank you.