Environmental enrichment can be a useful tool to reduce belly nosing behaviors in
early weaned piglets. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of environmental
enrichment on behavior, salivary cortisol, and productivity of piglets weaned at 14
days of age. The study assigned 112 piglets (line Camborough 22 of PIC™) into 2
treatments, control and enriched, and observed them for 192 hr in 3 periods: 14 to 28
days of age (Phase 1), 28 to 42 days of age (Phase 2), and 42 to 54 days of age (Phase
3). The study obtained saliva samples in each phase from 56 piglets selected randomly
from each group for cortisol determination. Comparisons between both treatments
and phases included the following: proportion of time belly nosing, latency of approaching
a person, average levels of salivary cortisol, and daily weight gain. Belly
nosing was higher and latency of approaching a person lower in the control group than
in the enriched one (p < .05 and p < .01). Belly nosing was lower in Phase 3 (p < .05);
latency of approaching a person was higher in Phase 1 with respect to Phase 2, and this
was higher with respect to Phase 3 (p < .01). There were no differences in salivary
cortisol levels between treatments or phases. Weight gain was higher in the enriched
group (p < .001). Environmental enrichment in piglets weaned at 14 days of age resulted
in a reduced proportion of time nosing, reduced latency of response to humans,
and better growth than piglets in barren environments
Environmental enrichment can be a useful tool to reduce belly nosing behaviors inearly weaned piglets. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of environmentalenrichment on behavior, salivary cortisol, and productivity of piglets weaned at 14days of age. The study assigned 112 piglets (line Camborough 22 of PIC™) into 2treatments, control and enriched, and observed them for 192 hr in 3 periods: 14 to 28days of age (Phase 1), 28 to 42 days of age (Phase 2), and 42 to 54 days of age (Phase3). The study obtained saliva samples in each phase from 56 piglets selected randomlyfrom each group for cortisol determination. Comparisons between both treatmentsand phases included the following: proportion of time belly nosing, latency of approachinga person, average levels of salivary cortisol, and daily weight gain. Bellynosing was higher and latency of approaching a person lower in the control group thanin the enriched one (p < .05 and p < .01). Belly nosing was lower in Phase 3 (p < .05);latency of approaching a person was higher in Phase 1 with respect to Phase 2, and thiswas higher with respect to Phase 3 (p < .01). There were no differences in salivarycortisol levels between treatments or phases. Weight gain was higher in the enrichedgroup (p < .001). Environmental enrichment in piglets weaned at 14 days of age resultedin a reduced proportion of time nosing, reduced latency of response to humans,and better growth than piglets in barren environments
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