The sub-cohort consisted of 414 men (38.1%) and 672 women
(61.9%), with a mean age (±SD) of 73.7 years (±5.3). The baseline
characteristics of the sub-cohort by LLT category are shown
in Table 1. There were 816 participants (75.1%) who did not receive
any LLT, 145 (13.4%) who received fibrates (of whom 70% received
fenofibrate) and 125 (11.5%) who received statin therapy (of whom
43 received simvastatin, 30 pravastatin, 25 atorvastatin and 20
cerivastatin). Compared to the non-treated group and with respect
to non-lipid risk factors, those under statins tended to be more
diabetic (p = 0.07) and to have a higher BMI (p = 0.08), whereas
those under fibrates were more likely to be women (p = 0.07),
were more diabetic (p = 0.02) and tended to have higher hs-CRP
levels (p = 0.09). Moreover, those under statin or fibrate therapy
had significantly lower mean lipid concentrations compared to the
non-treated group (p < 0.001), except for triglycerides, which were
higher in those under statins (p = 0.002); ApoA1 and HDL levels
were not significantly different between the groups.
The sub-cohort consisted of 414 men (38.1%) and 672 women(61.9%), with a mean age (±SD) of 73.7 years (±5.3). The baselinecharacteristics of the sub-cohort by LLT category are shownin Table 1. There were 816 participants (75.1%) who did not receiveany LLT, 145 (13.4%) who received fibrates (of whom 70% receivedfenofibrate) and 125 (11.5%) who received statin therapy (of whom43 received simvastatin, 30 pravastatin, 25 atorvastatin and 20cerivastatin). Compared to the non-treated group and with respectto non-lipid risk factors, those under statins tended to be morediabetic (p = 0.07) and to have a higher BMI (p = 0.08), whereasthose under fibrates were more likely to be women (p = 0.07),were more diabetic (p = 0.02) and tended to have higher hs-CRPlevels (p = 0.09). Moreover, those under statin or fibrate therapyhad significantly lower mean lipid concentrations compared to thenon-treated group (p < 0.001), except for triglycerides, which werehigher in those under statins (p = 0.002); ApoA1 and HDL levelswere not significantly different between the groups.
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