In this study, the production of BC using G. xylinus from five cat-egories of carbon sources (date syrup, glucose, mannitol, sucrose,and food-grade sucrose) was examined. Some conclusions are asfollows:- A reference native strain used in this study that was known toproduce good yields of cellulose was G. xylinus 1734, obtainedfrom the Persian Type Culture Collection (PTCC), Iran.- The food-grade sucrose and date syrup were not suitable carbonsources for the growth of G. xylinus, so BC was not produced verywell. In contrast, mannitol and sucrose could produce more BC inH medium.- The addition of the nitrogen source to the mannitol was veryeffective for the production of BC.- From X-ray diffractometer, the crystallinity of BC in presence ofH medium had higher values than those from other media.- The BC pellicles, which were synthesized in the culture media Hand Z, were mostly uniaxially oriented ribbons. In addition, themicrographs of mannitol and sucrose provided evidence of thestrong interfacial adhesion between the BC fibers.
ConclusionsIn this study, the production of BC using G. xylinus from five cat-egories of carbon sources (date syrup, glucose, mannitol, sucrose,and food-grade sucrose) was examined. Some conclusions are asfollows:- A reference native strain used in this study that was known toproduce good yields of cellulose was G. xylinus 1734, obtainedfrom the Persian Type Culture Collection (PTCC), Iran.- The food-grade sucrose and date syrup were not suitable carbonsources for the growth of G. xylinus, so BC was not produced verywell. In contrast, mannitol and sucrose could produce more BC inH medium.- The addition of the nitrogen source to the mannitol was veryeffective for the production of BC.- From X-ray diffractometer, the crystallinity of BC in presence ofH medium had higher values than those from other media.- The BC pellicles, which were synthesized in the culture media Hand Z, were mostly uniaxially oriented ribbons. In addition, themicrographs of mannitol and sucrose provided evidence of thestrong interfacial adhesion between the BC fibers.
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