Um..GT and GB
No help pk Chinese guild
Doesn't do BH at pk map
he love all or he love he self
he love he self
that i don't like
But, y u leave?
I mean quit
and she say why only say to she not help
another member not help same
but she thailand or not ?
guild thailand or not?
why she say like this
But, even u r mad at her
U still hv us, ice
HiSo without u, is falling apart
Only 4 ppl on, black left guild
he will back
but no one accept
wait nonie online my acc
and accpt him
Perfume wants to be back in HiSo?
Do u want him in or not?
who want
who ?
no i never give she back
If u don't want her back, u can tell onion
This is HiSo, family guild..we need to respect each other idea
why she say she will back?
Pung quit too?
We need u, ice
Only few ppl on, only few ppl help with GT
Those who heard abt the news aren't on
Even tho, they usually on at this hour