The radical humanist paradigm, like the interpretive paradigm, emphasizes how reality is socially created and so- cially sustained but ties the analysis to an interest in what may be described as the pathology of consciousness, by which human beings become imprisoned within the bounds of the reality that they create and sustain. This perspective is based on the view that the process of reality creation may be influenced by psychic and social processes which chan- nel, constrain, and control the minds of human beings, in ways which alienate them from the potentialities inherent in their true nature as humans. The contemporary radical humanist critique focuses upon the alienating aspects of var- ious modes of thought and action which characterize life in industrial societies. Capitalism, for example, is viewed as essentially totalitarian, the idea of capital accumulation mold- ing the nature of work, technology, rationality, logic, science, roles, language and mystifying ideological concepts such as scarcity, leisure, and so on. These concepts, which the functionalist theorist may regard as the building blocks of social order and human freedom stand, for the radical humanist, as modes of ideological domination. The radical humanist is concerned with discovering how humans can link thought and action (praxis) as a means of transcending their alienation