Th e developments of the broadband access to the
internet, as well as internet applications and services
in the world are known as key initiators of the total
economic growth of society. Broadband internet has
become the inevitable factor of insurance for more
eff ective health, education, science, culture, tourism,
etc. In the past years the telecommunication market
has increased the amount of internet ports and the
development of services which rely on broadband
access to the internet. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina, when it comes to the number of ports, stays
behind in comparison to the countries nearby and
the countries of the European Union.
In this paper, evaluated diff erent models of the
development of the future regional network for data
transferring are also shown. An accent on choosing the future model is put on giving the NGS (Next
Generation Services), which are completely based on
IP technology. Th e model must fully support existing services and the existing user equipment, or the
service of analog television and analog telephone, as
well as to be totally acceptable in the observed environment.
Within the starting analysis, a research has been
done which should describe the model of the future
network. Th e future network should have quality
service delivery to the fi nal user, with minimal expenses of implementation and maintenance.
At the beginning of the research, approximate
requests have been defi ned, which the future model should fulfi ll. Besides the technical and technological
aspect, it is necessary to process the economical, social and political aspects, which can aff ect the model
of the future network. In order to better perceive
these factors, we made a PEST analysis (Political,
Economic, Social and Technological analysis), which
was done before the research. Th e conclusions of the
PEST analysis were needed as directions in the research itself. [3]
Economic, social and political analyses have
shown advantages and disadvantages of the development of the future regional network. Th e conclusion of those analyses has shown necessities of the
development of the new regional network model for
broadband access to the internet and multimedia services based on IP technologies.
Analysis of the technological development has
shown the necessity of overcoming the technology
gap, which appeared as a consequence of the lack
of investments in this region. For that cause, at the
beginning of the research technological-technical requests have been defi ned, which the future network
must fulfi ll. Some of the requests were partially in
collision with the others. Th at collision often comes
from the need to retain the existing service models. Th e solution is a compromise, which occurred
as a consequence of the sudden technological leap
and the economic incapability of the user to quickly
change his equipment. Th e technological-technical
requests are:
1. Future network must ensure access to next
generation services (NGS), based on the internet protocol (IP).
2. It is necessary to preserve the existing analog
television service on the second and third device at home, as well as the traditional analog
telephone, which represents a standard off er
from telecom operators.
3. Th e future network must be adapted to the
Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) requests,
that forecast the development of internet technologies until the year of 2020. Th is comes
from the facts that this is an infrastructure
project which should have long term service
without any big infrastructural changes. [1]
4. Energetic acceptability, the network must acquire the minimum of energy charges.
5. Optimization of maintenance charges, which
considers the expenses of taking care of the
equipment and the expenses of hiring competent workers.
6. Service control from the beginning to the end,
or in other words, from the service source,
through the complete network until the fi nal
service user.
7. Maximum service fl exibility, i.e. complete adjustability to user’s requests. A simple service
choice which is handled by the user.
8. Th e Management, Provisioning and Billing
system which can support all of the requests of
the existing and future users.
9. Besides the PEST analysis it is necessary to research potential market from the aspect of interest with services, which are off ered through
the future available network. As a research
method, a survey and the analysis of received
results after data processing was suggested. Th e
survey is done over the complete area of the
future access network and has a goal to collect
data about future users and their needs for certain types of services. In order for the results of
the survey to show a real image of interest and
the needs of future users, rules were defi ned for
processing the survey.
While defi ning the input parameters for the design of the future telecommunication network it is
necessary to maximize performances with minimal
costs. Th e compromise solution should be made and
the set technological requirements should not be neglected. On the basis of these hypotheses the following groups of input parameters have been defi ned:
1. Network capacity,
2. Services,
3. Construction costs,
4. Costs of maintenance,
5. Expansion of infrastructure and service,
6. Possibility of transferring the excess capacity to
other operators.
Network capacity. While defi ning this parameter
and due to the lack of national strategy, it has been
used the recommendation provided by the European commission for telecommunication development,
which has defi ned the strategy and goals for telecommunication development in the European Union in
the project called Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE).
Out of the defi ned goals certain parts are singled out
which are related to the recommended capacity of
the broadband access. It has been defi ned that 50 %
of household will have had the Internet access faster
than 100 Mbit/s by 2020 and 100% of the household will have had the Internet access faster than 30
Mbit/s. According to these goals, two input parameters are defi ned. [1]
Input parameter 1: Th e initial installation has to
secure the broadband access to Internet with minimal
speed of 100 Mbit/s, regardless of current commercial
packages and speed off ered.
Input parameter 2: Th e future expansion of the
broadband access to Internet with speed greater than
100 Mbit/s has to be replaced with active components,
without any interventions done on the passive infrastructure.
Services. As a basis for defi ning future services
which should be transmitted to the end-user, it is
necessary to take into consideration the current condition of the user equipment and trends of the service development. Th e existing equipment for video
service is usually based on analog camera, with constant growth in number of modern digital TV and
SMART equipment. Mobile devices also grow in
importance as well as services based on IP protocol
(Game, VoIP, and IPTV). In order to enable the continuous operations of analog equipment and introduction of SMART devices based on IP protocol two
new parameters are defi ned.
Input parameter 3. Continuous usage of analog
equipment (analog TV and telephone devices) of enduser with the option to replace the outdated equipment
with new, without signifi cant change of service.
Input parameter 4. Th e possibility to use the next
generation services, which implies open architecture to
new technologies and greater fl exibility in terms of application of diff erent regulations and business rules.