Standard test methods as reported by Jain(1990) were used
for each determination.
Thermogravimetric analysis was conducted on simultaneous
DTA-TG attachment DTG-30 thermal analyzer (SJapan).
The reaction environment in the thermal analyzer was
controlled as desired by flowing appropriate gas in the themobalance.
Linear constant heating rate was kept as a variable
parameter; data for heating rates of 10 and lOo"C/min is
reported in th~s paper. The maximum allowable temperature in
the instrument is up to 1200 "C.
During a set of experiments, heating rate and atmosphere in
the thenno-balance were kept as vanable parametem. The
atmospheres selected for the study were air, and a mixture of
95% nitrogen and 5% oxygen. Paddy husk cellulose,
hemicellulose and ligtun samples were subjected to
thermogravimetric analysis under Merent environment and
heating rates as spedied above. All the samples were ground
to a fineness of +200 -100 ASTM mesh size and the ground
samples were used for thermal analysis. Using the
thermograms, data on weight loss and temperature was
assessed and used for the determination of the lunetic