no nothing no nothing all right today we are going to pour the hull of a ship the seller of the house the basement of a building that will be floating ideally for the next 20 or 30 years what we do you have a surprise for you look at that you can keep it it is very sweet of you thank you very much every ship that pour some concrete beam now there is a degree of time sensitivity because we have to report this one and a number of other punky batches full before any of it drives it has to be one solid single for i have to say one thing it is a little hard to know everyone’s name without everyone having their names
Written on their jumpers so that is hard that is you down their farm you are gonna be careful you do not want to get in harm’s way the true has just one shift to pour the entire 18*36 foot hole to do this the factory uses a special tool called google a bucket suspended from a crane able to unload 200 gallons of concrete in less than a minute the trick was born a water type model with the coal is that the second we begin the second we open this when the concrete for begins we cannot stop until the entire whole is completely done your record yeah one even strain that industry do not you know that concrete nice and easy yeah i got him we got him yeah foot and the kugel is empty haha it takes 20 google’s to pour the entire home crews begin with the walls we are dumping of all day arm like a typical foundations where the walls are built of the exact same thickness workers built these walls with varying thicknesses up to 5 inches so perfect have a wire the two wall thickness is different besides thinner than that son sometimes people are going to live in it they tell us i want to answer for the better so the homeowners actually tell you where the men gonna go where the team is going to go with the sofa is going to go and based upon the weight of those objects yeah you can counterbalance that by clicking a country wall thing another yeah in fact this side of the wall is practically that dick about 5 inc hes where is this wall is about two and a half 3 inches so that side is practically twice as thick as that side and therefore twice as heavy to account for the fact there is probably a very large water bail us out of the house now an extent mr.for the entire floor are you clearly have skills with the entire whole port workers then use the walls and floor together to create a watertight seal by vibrating the concrete what is it like a normal vibration job and hungry project and i am long down just to a certain devil i started to see the concrete because beyond just here reading the concrete get me your bubbles out use the vertical wall colors on so when you have just seen is a fairly unique concrete form process and not just because our outfits essentially after 20 google’s and a lot of handwork we have created one single monolithic concrete whole not just become the foundations for a floating home out but it is this right here i will make it
Hello coming up making me largest new island in amsterdam on quicksand and the question was a real thing it is a real thing it is there’s an old saying in the netherlands god created the earth but it was the dutch that created holland and it's really true for nearly a thousand years the dutch oven creating a city on what is essentially a swamp amsterdam originally a 120 acre land mass at the mouth of the north sea and for over a thousand years engineers have been building dikes and draining lakes and swamps to create buildable land called holders there are 20 miles of holders in the city and some are 15 feet below sea level that is incredible as i look out here i am looking into the second story of people's homes yeah it is incredible is not in i mean this is a condition for those of us in america that you see exactly in new orleans i mean this is just like an earthen levee and that would just be like the lower ninth ward to see that lives about 15 feet below sea level like new orleans if just one dyke fails nearly the entire city could be underwater in just 48 hours so those perimeter walls are forcibly holding back water from coming into that pulled up yeah it is not just bump once and your drive forever right it is a constant pumping some 24 hours a day every day facing a housing crisis the only place left to build is in the water the 200 square mile lake this time engineers are not repeating history so instead of building at the bottom of the lake they are building on top of it creating a new islands each 4 feet above sea level which means for the first time in some instances you actually can look out and actually enjoy the water and not have a water kind of pushing down your home yes that is one of the main ideas behind the island making here what’s are challenging about building land specifically here outside amsterdam the biggest problem of all is a technical problem and that is that the bottom of the leg is not very solid it consists of thick layers are very s