One day he saw in a dream that a very big gathering of men and women came to him and he asked them who they were? They said, they were the dwellers of such and such graveyard and they had come to thank him for his Friday visits to them and his prayers for their forgiveness by Allah Ta’ala that pleased them most. They requested him to keep up that practice, which he continued most carefully.
Another learned dignitary relates that a person saw in his dream that all the graves in a graveyard opened up suddenly and the dead came out of them and started picking up something from the ground, except one person who kept sitting and was quiet. The dreamer approached him and asked what the others were picking, to which he replied that they were picking up the blessings of Sadaqah, Du’a and Darood, which the living people had offered for the dwellers of this graveyard. The dreamer asked him why he was not picking up anything.
The dead person replied that he was happy without picking up anything, as he had a young son who had the business of selling sweetmeats in such and such bazaar and who daily read the whole Qur’an and sent him its blessings. The man went to the bazaar in the morning and saw a young man selling sweets while his lips were moving. The man asked him what he was reading. The young man replied that he daily recited the whole of the Qur’an and offered its blessings as a present to his deceased father.
The person who had the dream, again saw the same vision after some time, and noticed that the person with whom he had talked was also picking up something along with others, whereupon the man woke up surprised! In the morning he went to the same bazaar and came to know that the young man was dead. (Raudh).
Saleh Muree Rahmatullah alaihe has related that once on a Friday night, well before dawn, he left his home to offer morning prayers at the Jamia Masjid, and came across a graveyard where he sat down beside a grave (as it was too early for Salaat), and dozed off. He saw in his dream that all the graves had opened up and the dead came out. They were all happily and cheerfully talking to each other and among them was a young man with soiled clothes looking gloomy, who sat away from the others.
After a short while, a large number of angels descended from the sky carrying trays covered with glittering napkins. They handed a tray to each person who returned to his grave with the tray. When all had gone, the lonely person also got up to enter his grave but without a tray. The dreaming gentleman approached him and asked him why he was so gloomy and what those trays were. He replied that the trays contained the presents which the living people had sent to their dead. As for him, he had no one living except his mother to send him anything, but she had remarried and was too busy with her husband and never thought of him. On enquiry, the dead son gave him the address of his mother. Next morning, Saleh went to the young man’s mother and told her about his dream.
The woman said, indeed, the young man was her son and most dear to her, and she had carried him in her lap. The woman then gave Saleh one thousand Dirhams and requested him to give that money as Sadaqah for her son who indeed was the coolness of her eyes, and she promised never to forget to pray for him and give Sadaqah for his sake. Saleh Rahmathullah alaihe further said that he once again had the same dream with the same gathering of people in the graveyard. This time the young man was wearing very good clothes and looked very happy. He came running to him and said, "May Allah Ta’ala bless you immensely. Your present has reached me." (Raudh).
There are thousands of instances of the above type mentioned in various books. Some of these have also been mentioned under the preceding Ahadith. So, any one who wishes that his children be of use to him after his death, should endeavour to do whatever he can, to make them virtuous and righteous. It is the best one could wish for his children, as also for himself, as Allah Ta’ala has said in Surah Tahrim:
"O believers! Save yourself and your families from the fire of Jahannam". (at-Tahrim: 6)
Zaid Rahmathullah alaihe Ibne Aslam has said that when Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam recited this Ayat, the Sahabah Radhiallaho anhum asked how they could save their children and families from the fire of Jahannam. Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam said, "Keep on exhorting them to do the deeds which Allah Ta’ala likes and to keep away from those which Allah Ta’ala dislikes." Ali Radhiallaho anho explained the Ayat by saying to teach and exhort oneself and one’s own family about all things which are good.
Its application to the family is told and used in the home by giving the brethren, children read al Quran Koran is because the of life. The Quran is what makes our cemetery light. The Quran is the answer for everything, and that even if found problem very much. We were safe.