sing the sodium lamp as the source of illumination, adjust the position of M1 to give large
diameter fringes; i.e., make d small to make the centre fringe almost fill the field of view. Tilt M2
slightly so that ∼5–10 curved fringes appear across the field of view. As M1 is moved, the fringe
curvature will change, becoming straight and then reversing as M1 is moved through the position
of zero path difference. Set M1 as close as you can judge to this position of straight fringes, and
replace the monochromatic light source with the white-light incandescent lamp provided. If M1 is
now slowly moved away from its set position the white-light fringes should appear as a distinctive
set of coloured fringes with a dark central fringe indicating the point of zero path difference, with
a bright fringe either side of it. These fringes are localised at M1 and may be observed by looking
at that mirror. Initially, the fringes will probably be very fine and a very small movement of M1
will make them disappear. Adjustment of M2 should also be done carefully and by adjusting both
a little at each time it will be possible to get broad, strongly-coloured fringes into the field of view
sing the sodium lamp as the source of illumination, adjust the position of M1 to give largediameter fringes; i.e., make d small to make the centre fringe almost fill the field of view. Tilt M2slightly so that ∼5–10 curved fringes appear across the field of view. As M1 is moved, the fringecurvature will change, becoming straight and then reversing as M1 is moved through the positionof zero path difference. Set M1 as close as you can judge to this position of straight fringes, andreplace the monochromatic light source with the white-light incandescent lamp provided. If M1 isnow slowly moved away from its set position the white-light fringes should appear as a distinctiveset of coloured fringes with a dark central fringe indicating the point of zero path difference, witha bright fringe either side of it. These fringes are localised at M1 and may be observed by lookingat that mirror. Initially, the fringes will probably be very fine and a very small movement of M1will make them disappear. Adjustment of M2 should also be done carefully and by adjusting botha little at each time it will be possible to get broad, strongly-coloured fringes into the field of view
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