Client Update
- Another client update to patch some WZ edits.
Monster Battle Changes
- Reduced daily amount of tries for Monster Battle HELL tower from 300 to 250. Increased daily amount of tries for each Star Planet game from 30 to 40.
- You can now use macros in Monster Battle again. If you use a macro in HELL tower, it will take another daily try.
- Monster Battle wild battles now have a (Caught) indicator if you currently have the same monster in your party or your storage.
- Monster Battle storage can now be sorted.
Instance Changes
- Slightly buffed Star Planet point gain from Rock Paper Scissors. Moderately buffed it from Monsteropoly, One Card. Greatly buffed it from Star Step. Greatly buffed drop rates in Aerial Runner.
- Visitor Party Quest now respawns maps immediately when you enter
- The points given from Crazy Dojo was slightly nerfed (~15%) and the monster level was increased (from 230 to 240)
- Red Leaf High HP recovery was toned down
- Sharenian Guild Quest had its GP decreased while Halloween Guild Quest had it increased. Halloween Guild Quest also has more boxes in the bonus round.
- Automated events give significantly more prizes, including more EXP/NX, more items and much more Star Points. They also give a small amount of PQ points now.
- The Rock Paper Scissors event was changed from requiring 10 wins to 5.
Boss Changes
- Added another Chaos Root Abyss and Princess No channel.
- Chaos Empress / Madman Ranmaru cooldowns decreased by an hour
- Increased knockback rates for Chaos Empress and decreased it for some other Chaos bosses
- Made changing channels in Princess No's entry map more convenient
- Removed beeping noise in Lotus
- Flipped Von Bon / Pierre portals
- When you get items from a reactor (e.g. bonus boxes) the items are no longer free-for-all but rather like monster drops in that they are owned by the player who broke the box, then become free-for-all after some time
- Empress Dream Key added to Shadow Merchant shop
Character Changes
- Commerci Ship levels are now account-wide (log in first to the character with your desired ship level, then it will carry over to the rest of the account)
- Some more achievements were added, and the interval achievements were restructured
- 25 Action Skills achievement changed to 20
- Disabling skill effects in game options NPC now hides a lot more than before. It now makes your pets smaller and doesn't display other people's item effects, pets, androids, summons and miscellaneous effects. Some of these may need a map change to take effect.
Map Changes
- Leafre in Flames is now back to what it was before.
- Buffed level and stats of Distorted Temple of Time
- Buffed Commerci and Somewhere in Crimsonwood maps.
- Cryptic Crimsonheart maps buffed in EXP.
- Ghostwood Stumpy was removed from the Twilight Perion Golem maps; it still spawns in Tempest Grave.
- Being AFK for an hour or more will guarantee that you will not aggro any monsters to you
- The AFK restrictions are more bearable for non-AFK players now as it tags you as non-AFK when you change maps through portals or NPCs, or when you change channels or log in
- Many buffed monsters have had their walking speed increased. The more buffed a monster is, the more speed it got increased.
Item Changes
- Legends Awards Coins are tradeable again
- Added Red Buttons, they can be exchanged for 10 DP
- Fever Time (for enhancements) is now a straight doubling of chance instead of adding AEES chance. However it will cost more (2x cost -> 2.5x).
- Jett's Level 250 items are account-sharable now (via PSOK)
- Kaiserium and Alicia's Brilliance were made more common and had their normal and flame stats increased. Old Kaiseriums will be deleted and old Alicia's Brilliances will have their stats updated.
- Halloween Candies drop rate increased
- Monthly donator medals now reset every week.
- Meso cost of Dark Totems was halved
NPC Changes
- Removed Snowdrop Coin shop limits
- Lowered Powergacha rates slightly
- Added ATT/M.ATT lines in the Cube NPC
- Cube NPC now alerts you when you run out of cubes.
- Some prices of items in the Dojo shop were changed. Cubes were also added.
- Nebulite NPC will alert you when you cube a Nebulite of the next rank
- VP shop now tells you the stats of each bit set
- For PSOKs, Vega now separates the options for sending to storage and just making an item tradable. Vega can now also send all Scissor-able items in the inventory to storage at once, or make all Scissor-able items tradable at once.
- Added options in Toh the Relicseeker for Demons and Xenons to change their face markings and Angelic Busters to change their overalls
- "Sell Items" game options function now doesn't sell equipment with Nebulites nor does it sell enhanced equipment. You must sell these manually yourself.
- Increased coin refund from trading in AbsoLabs
- Lowered AbsoLabs Coin requirements for Sweetwater slightly, reorganized Sweetwater requirements by category and added a Twisted Time requirement.