Appendix A: Assessment questions for
governors and governing bodies to ask
1. Good governance means focusing on the organisation’s purpose and
on outcomes for citizens and users
u How clear are we about what we are trying to achieve as an
organisation? Do we always have this at the front of our minds when we
are planning or taking decisions? How well are we doing in achieving
our intended outcomes?
u To what extent does the information that we have about the quality of
service for users help us to make rigorous decisions about improving
quality? Do we receive regular and comprehensive information on
users’ views of quality? How could this information be improved? How
effectively do we use this information when we are planning and taking
u To what extent does the information that we have on costs and
performance help us to make rigorous decisions about improving value
for money? How effectively do we use this information when we are
planning and taking decisions? How well do we understand how the
value we provide compares with that of similar organisations?