The Company may have more than one Seal and references herein to the Seal shall be references to every Seal which shall have been duly adopted by resolution of directors. The directors shall provide for the safe custody of the Seal and for an imprint thereof to be kept at the Registered Office.
Except as otherwise expressly provided herein the Seal when affixed to any written instrument shall be witnessed and attested to by the signature of a director or any other person so authorized from time to time by resolution of directors.
Such authorization may be before or after the Seal is affixed, may be general or specific and may refer to any number of sealings.
The Directors may provide for a facsimile of the Seal and of the signature of any director or authorized person which may be reproduced by printing or other means on any instrument and it shall have the same force and validity as if the Seal had been affixed to such instrument and the same had been signed as hereinbefore described.