3.1 Inadequate utilisation of railway freight transportation potential
Railway freight transportation typically concentrates in specific locations. As for container
transportation, for example, almost all service is dominated by the transportation between
Bangkok and the ESB. Petroleum products are mainly transported between Northern region
and the ESB, while cements are mainly transported between Saraburi province and the
Northern region. The limitation of service area with specified commodities narrows down the
freight transportation market. Railway transportation yet mostly intends to capture large-scale
clients, for example, those require container service. This consequently results in losing future
business opportunity of freight service expansion, and the freight facility is not fully utilised
because there is not enough potential clients.
3.1 Inadequate utilisation of railway freight transportation potentialRailway freight transportation typically concentrates in specific locations. As for containertransportation, for example, almost all service is dominated by the transportation betweenBangkok and the ESB. Petroleum products are mainly transported between Northern regionand the ESB, while cements are mainly transported between Saraburi province and theNorthern region. The limitation of service area with specified commodities narrows down thefreight transportation market. Railway transportation yet mostly intends to capture large-scaleclients, for example, those require container service. This consequently results in losing futurebusiness opportunity of freight service expansion, and the freight facility is not fully utilisedbecause there is not enough potential clients.
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