developing their English proficiency progressively is an essential requirement. They also that as a docter in future they would be expected to have access to up-to date information about their field of study and also in order to become a specialist in one of the branches of medicine, a high level of English language proficiency including a large vocabulary would be required.
The ESP students in these fields also pass a medical terminology course together
with their ESP course in order to understand and learn their specialized terminology
through word analysis. Therefore, visualizing the concept of the word, analogy
between English and Persian forms and word analysis are among the elaborative
strategies used by medical students.
จาก student ถึง cases
Nursing student: “Bar asar bi harekati bimar dochare bed sor (bed sore) shodeh ast.”
(Due to immobility, the patient is affected by bed sore.)
Nurse: “Pishgiri az anemi (anemia) dar zanane bar dar az ahammiyate zyadi barkhor
dar ast.” (It is very important to prevent anemia in pregnant women.)
Nursing student: “Ba’d az jarrahi bimar dochare chest pein (chest pain) shodeh ast.”
(After surgery, the patient has had chest pain).
Although most (about 80%) of the midwifery, nursing, medicine, dentistry and
pharmacy references were translated into Persian, their translated texts are still
infested with English specialized vocabulary (whether in Persian transcription system
in the text with footnotes or in English in the text) and they would also confront them
while listening to their content teachers or searching articles in the Internet. Since
ESP students experience the immediate use and the vital role of specialized words to
satisfy their academic and clinical needs, they try to focus on elaborative strategies
which are effective for long term purposes.
In contrast, management references are in Persian with few if any English
specialized terminology (mainly in the footnotes) and their content teachers also use
very few terms in English. Whereas students of physiotherapy reported that most of
their references are in English and in each term their content teachers choose one part
of it, distribute it among students and ask them to translate that section and give them
a test based on their translation. These teachers believe that what they present in the
classroom is only the essence of that section due to time limits and students must have
access to its details.