The HatchBrood system is equipped with patented perforated radiators
A direct-driven ventilator forces the air through the perforated radiators
This creates a perfectly uniform laminar airflow of 0.3m/s
Thanks to the uniform airflow, every chick is able to release its body heat as needed
The chicks in HatchBrood are divided over 12 sections, each with temperature sensors that provide real-time air temperature information
The HatchBrood Controller uses this information to adjust the radiator temperature; as the air passes the radiator, it is cooled or heated to maintain the ideal air temperature
With air at the ideal temperature and moving at the perfect velocity in each section, HatchBrood ensures optimum, uniform chick body temperatures of 104°F. This enables the birds to extract full benefits from the available nutrients (yolk and feed) and get the best possible start in growth and development.