Since the UVeVis spectrum of the anthocyanin extract (Fig. 2)
was obtained in an acid medium (pH 2.0), the spectrum indicates
the character of acidebase equilibrium of the flavylium cation,
which has one maximum absorption band in the visible region
(535 nm) and another in the ultraviolet region (280 nm). Moreover,
the spectrum profile obtained at pH 2.0 is quite common for anthocyanins,
in accordance with the literature (Lee, Durst, &
Wrolstad, 2005). Thus, confirming successful anthocyanins
extraction. The results for the anthocyanin extract are also in
accordance with the study by Março and Scarminio (2007), which
showed formation of the flavylium cation under strongly acidic
conditions (pH 1.0 and 3.0).