Effects of electron beam irradiation and temperature on the treatment of swine wastewater using an ion exchange biological reactor
Swine wastewater was treated using an ion exchange biological reactor (IEBR). Organic matter and nutrient in swine wastewater were pre-treated by electron beam irradiation. The optimal dose for solubilization of organic matter in swine wastewater ranged from 20 kGy to 75 kGy. The carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids were investigated as proteins and lipids mainly contained the solubilized organic matter. The solubilization of organic matter in swine wastewater was affected by the combination effects of temperature and dose. The maximum chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia removal efficiencies were 74.4% and 76.7% at a dose of 0 kGy under room temperatures (23.0 °C). The removal of ammonia was significantly affected by low temperature (15.3 °C). On the other hand, the removal of phosphorus was not a function of electron beam irradiation or temperature because struvite is one of the main removal mechanisms under anoxic conditions