withdrawal of someone’s owns, enforced speaking, enforced
motor movements. The integrity of one’s personality is still
not affected. No disturbance of the distinction between “Selfconsciousncess”
and “Object-consciousness”, from outside
world is present. The second stage was more continuous,
despite the adequate treatment and the greater part of the
patients experienced partial remission, accompanied by short
exacerbations, successfully managed.
On the third stage the “Ego-control” of one’s own
psychic processes and acts is completely destroyed. It is
replaced by the delusional conviction of total outside
control. One is “a marionette” in the hands of an outside
power without any conforming with his wishes, needs,
necessities. A total depersonalization is observed and one
of the syndromes of psychic automatism is completely
It is interesting to note, that a certain reduction of
the intensity of the delusions of influence in the patients,
who suffered the third stage of paranoid dynamic was
observed too. As a consequence, the patients were not fully
convicted as being physically or mentally controlled.
The clinical peculiarities of each stage of paranoid
syndromes in dependence on the delusions of influence
testify, to some extent, to one or other type of progression
of schizophrenic process and could have a relatively
prognostic value. In this content, the first stage is
characteristic for a more favourable course, while the second
or third stage /with exception of paraphrenia states/ –for a
more unfavourable one.