Throughout the first five sessions, key recovery concepts were imparted with the use of didactic instruction, discussion, and exercises to foster hope for a meaningful future, belief in one’s personal self worth,and recognition of the value of peer support. One such activity involved writing a description of what one is like when feeling well, another called for making a list of personal strengths, and still another involved practicing peer support with a partner during class. Sessions 6 and 7 involved creation of a detailed crisis plan, and session 8 covered development of a post crisis support plan and WRAP retooling after crises to prevent future relapse. Control condition Participants in the control group received services as usual and were assigned to a course waiting list that guaranteed them an opportunity to receive WRAP after their final interview. Comparison of seven services(such as medication management and individual therapy) received by pre intervention WRAP facilitators at all sites had a Mental Health Recovery Educator certificate from the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery. They also attended a 2.5-day training workshop organized by UIC researchers at which they reviewed and practiced the eight session curriculum, learned fidelity assessment and attendance tracking procedures, and discussed research procedures and related logistical issues.