My Ideal Job
When we talk about job. What do you think in your mind?
Well known , I major in Hotel and Tourisiam management.
So I’d like to be a Top manager maybe a good choice for me.
I have ability to make right decisions in moment in time or immediately when face to face the problem. Everyone know, the future is unpredictable and never plan it ahead.
After graduation I maybe a Professer in university.
And work on my dreams. I often dream about being a member of NASA. That must be terrific! But it requires high qualifications and professional knowledge and must have bravely and challenges. So a real practical future plan for me is good study. In case , If I don’t successfully in my occupation . I think do my own business and company . It maybe good more than I’m employee another people . Because It’s maybe challenges same as an astronaut in NASA .Finally ,when I choose what to do in my life . But this is not the main reason .
If I have chosen the positon in my life , you must do it success!