Half a year later, Powell and Donovan were on Solar Station 5. Their job was to train a new robot, the QT-1, Cutie, to work the Beam Director on the station and harnessed the energy of electrical storms without any human presence on the station. Cutie was the highest quality robot, peculiar brains, curiousness about the outside world and more intelligent than other robots. Powell and Donovan had trouble teaching Cutie. Cutie started to make questions about its life and did not believe that humans made him because the humans were weaker than him. He thought that the creator had to be more powerful than him. However, he would investigate everything himself. Cutie believed that the Energy Converter, the center of the solar station, was his Master. He thought that the Master created humans first, as the lowest type, then robots and finally him, to take the place of the last humans. After that, electron storm ran directly into the path of Earth beam. If no one was at the controls, the electron storm would destroy Earth. Donovan hurriedly went down to the engine room where there was Master in there but the guards, other robots, of Cutie prevent him. Later, Donovan asked Cutie to help Earth. At first, Cutie refused him but with three laws made Cutie had to obey him. Finally, Cutie got the Earth away from the electric storm and harnessed its power.