producers are mostly small entrepreneurs and chip processing is rather simple. Roots transported to processing plants are loaded into the hopper of the chopping machine by tractor. After chopping into small pieces, chips are sun-dried on a large cement floor. A tractor attached with a special implement is used to turn over the chips several times per day [4, 5]. After 2 to 3 days, dry chips are packed, ready for further processing or transportation to customers. * Ethanol conversion This segment includes numerous steps, e.g., milling, mixing and liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation, and distillation/dehydration (Fig. 1). Bunker oil bills and electricity bills make energy costs of ethanol plant operation. Treatment of distilled mash in anaerobic digester produces biogas. This biogas is collected and reserved for plant use, saving about 35% of bunker oil cost. Other potential by-products associated with ethanol production are CO2 and manure. This CO2 can be collected, purified and transformed for use in the coolant, soft drink, soda, dry ice and fire extinguisher industries. The solids contained in the digester effluent can be recovered to be used as manure in cassava farms [6].