Every single moment of this suddenly felt as though it was a flourishing dream. She was so blissful that it did not feel realistic.
The deafening joyful music by the gongs and drums filled everyone’s ears. In the great hall, in front of Cang Wanhe and Xiao Lie, under the eyes of countless individuals of the highest status in Blue Wind, under the roaring voice which the master of ceremonies was doing his best to drag out, the bow exchanging ceremony began…
“First bow to the heaven and earth!”
“Second bow to the elders!”
“Husband and wife, exchange bows!”
At the same time, in Black Fiend Empire, a place in the extreme west of the Profound Sky Continent which was surrounded by dark energy all year round and was filled with dense, cold air.
Tap… tap… tap…
The sounds of heavy footsteps rang within the fog of the dark forest. As the line of sight pulled closer, a human figure with his body slouched was currently dragging his feet, taking a step at a time. His footsteps were slow and heavy, as though he had to use a large amount of strength and will to move every single step… His clothes were extremely tattered, his body was covered with scars and bloodstains. Even his face, was engraved with dozens of trenches of blood. His hand was dragging a longblade, the edge of the blade was already severely rolled up, while the blade itself was damaged in several places, new bloodstains and old, dried up bloodstains alike, covered the entire blade…
The figure heavily fell onto the ground. His two hands supported the ground while his whole body trembled. He released a hoarse growl from his mouth, yet he was unable to stand up even after a long time. Hence, with his two hands grabbing onto the ground, he crawled forward bit by bit. The place which he had crawled on, was left with shocking stains of blood…
“Yun Che… I will kill you… Even if my body is smashed into pieces… I will still kill you!!!!”
Painful growls, which were filled with resentment, poured out from the corner of his lips. He did not know how many times he had repeated these words, they had long been deeply engraved in his soul, as though they had become his only belief in life.