Question: There are clearly different reasons for buying stock. Assume that Valente Corporation is holding $25,000 in cash that it will not need for several weeks. The money is currently in a money market fund earning only a 1 percent annual rate of return. In hopes of generating a higher profit, the president of Valente has studied the financial statements of Bayless Corporation, a company with capital stock trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for $25 per share. On November 30, Year One, the president believes that Bayless stock is primed to have a rather significant jump in market price in the near future. Consequently, Valente uses the $25,000 to acquire one thousand shares of stock in Bayless that will be held for only a few weeks or months. How does an owner report an equity investment that is bought with the expectation that the shares will be sold shortly after the purchase is made?