แนวทางการตรวจเนื้อผ่าตัดทั้งเต้านม (Practical Pathological Guideline for Whole Breast Specimen)
A. Macroscopic examination:
1.Identify and orient the specimen
2.Measure and record
• Either the whole breast with axillary content, together, or whole breast and axillary content, separately (measure three dimensions)
• Skin ellipse (measure two substantial dimensions)
3.Describe the covering skin and nipple (if applicable)
• Describe and locate position of visible/palpable mass(es) and other abnormalities such as scar, ulcer or surgical wound
• Describe the nipple and state the abnormality
4.Ink the deep margin and other margin(s) related to tumor
5.Cut whole breast specimen and record
• Serially section along sagittal axis at approximately 1 cm intervals (maintaining the orientation)
• Locate and record location of lesion(s)eg. mass cavity, cyst, calcification, etc. For location, use quadrant if applicable
• Measure distance of mass (es)/ hemorrhagic or biopsy cavity from deep and other related margins
• Record size of the lesion(s) (three dimensions if applicable)
-size of hemorrhagic or biopsy cavity
-Size of mass(es)
-Size of residual tumor(s)
• Describe tumor mass(es)
-Consistency (eg soft, hard, firm, rubbery, gritty sensation, etc.)
-Hemorrhage/Necrosis (if applicable)
-In case of multifocality/mulicentricity, describe all other mass(es) as aforementioned and state the distance(s) from the main mass
-Describe the remaining breast tissue and state the abnormality (if applicable).
Note: For definition of multificality or multicentricity (see appendix-1)
B.Sections submitted
• Tumor mass(es) /Residual tumor mass(es)
-Representative sections from tumor and adjacent normal breast tissue are submitted. Additional sections for ancillary study are suggested.
• Previous biopsy cavity (if present)
-Representative sections around the biopsy cavity are submitted. More sampling is indicated in case of DCIS alone (to exclude areas of invasion).
• Deep margin and other margin(s) related to tumor
-At least one perpendicular section of the nearest deep margin and other margin(s) related tumor is submitted.
• Skin
-In case of suspected epidermal involvement or inflammatory breast carcinoma, representative sections from related skin are submitted.
• Nipple
-At least one section is submitted. (Cutting detail, see appendix-2)
Note: Four quadrant samplings maybe helpful to detect microscopic multifocal or multicentric tumor(s).
C. Microscopic examination/Diagnosis
1.Tumor mass (es)/Residual tumor(s)
• Histologic subtype: According to Who classification or other internationally accepted classification
• Grade
• Invasive ductal carcinoma: Employ international accepted grading system (Prefer the Modified Bloom-Richardson grade). If other grading system is used, specify the system used. (see appendix-3 for Modified Bloom-Richardson grading system)
• Ductal carcinoma in situ: Employ the international grading system, specify the system used.
• Estimated size: Macroscopic or microscopic measurement (see appendix-4) 2.Lymphatic/vessel invasion: Blood/lymphatic vessel around tumor needs evaluation for metastasis and reported if positive (see appendix-5).
3.Margin: status of deep margin and other margin(s) related tumor(assess the distance from tumor to the nearest resected margin, if applicable)
4. Nipple and related skin: Status ofnipple, mis and positive dermal blood/lymphatic vessel invasion. Note: 1. Histologic subtype and grading can be omitted if amount of tumor is insufficient for evaluation. 2. There is no international recommendation for grading system of special subtype(eg lobular carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, papillarycareinoma, etc.)
3. Tumor size around or less than 2.0cm needed special attention. (see appendix-4)
4. In case of multifocal multicentric tumors, all foci neededevaluation and reported.
5. Breast lesion(s) other than carcinoma should be reported.
1. Definition of multifocal and multicentric tumor
2. Nipple cutting
3. Modified Scarff- Bloom Richardson Grading
4. Macroscopic and microscopic measurement of mass(es)
5. Rosen criteria of lymphatic vessel invasion
Appendix 1. Definition of multifocal and multicentric tumor
Multifocality: presence ofmore than a single focus of intraductal carcinoma, lobularneoplasia, or invasive carcinoma within a slide or a biopsy specimen not larger than 5 cm in its maximum dimension Multicentricity: presence of independent foci ofiesion(lobular neoplasia, in situ, orinvasive carci- noma) at 5 cm or more distant from one another
Appendix 2. Nipple cutting
Either approach of the following isaccepted
-Perpendicular bisection/serialsection
- En face section plus perpendicular section
Appendix 3. Modified Scarff Bloom Richardson Grading of breast carcinoma
-Tubule formation(C