Reviewing the log file So it means that RDC CMs Invoice pdfs are being processed and send to the respective email address .
I also see that one of the Invoices republished were of a EMC Customer Billto and that the email has sucessfuly been send with the pdf.
Team has analyzed in multiple ways and finally these test results confirm that the Invoice PDFs are actually being sent to the email adsress.
We are not sure why its not appearing the at Nongnuch's Dashboard.The root cause is still unknown.
We need your help to understand and find the root cause as to what is causing the pdfs not being shown in the user's dashboard.
Please guide the team what needs to be done.
Also there are couple of open questions.
1) Users are not seeing any of the RDC% transactions types Invoice PDF files or they are seeing for few set of customers and not seeing for few ?
2) Were the users were receiving the RDC% Invoice PDFs in the past? We understand RDC recently came into existance.