SOP - Housekeeping – Babysitting Service
SOP Number: H/K 01
Department: Housekeeping – General
Date Issued: 26-Jul-2015
Time to Train: 30 Minutes
As per the management policy the Hotel should arrange the baby sitter who has license or any hotel staff who had been trained in child care service to provide such service to the guest.
This SOP shall ensure that babysitting service is available and all relevant details are informed to the customer.
When a request for babysitting service is received from the guest the Housekeeping staff should note down below details on the ‘Babysitting Request Form’:
• Room number
• Guest Name
• Duration of babysitting service
• How many babies/children to be taken care.
• The child’s/children name and age.
• Confirm the charges to the guest.
• Child’s like and dislikes