Tired and more tired
I just finish all my paper work, talk about not having fun
where is my cup of coffee, OH!!! there it is , one drink now I'm feeling better
So how was your day, and your week end good I hope?
that is if they do their home work ???? most of the time
We in the U.S.A. celebrate it it is when the first white people cam to American. So we all eat Turkey, because that is what they ate.
yes I think every body here does. I just like the food ha ha. I think that is the only time I eat a lot of good, good food
I knew you would
it was what the first white people came to this country, they were so happy to get here that they celebrated
how was your day
what!!! are you talking about "night
Yes It is ok for u to ask, but we were taking about one thing and u came out with some thing different