To understand what seems to separate management of the prior century from contemporary practices, one must imagine the context as an expanded reality that managers cannot clearly see. The proximal is the local and to some degree regional.But the global often exists in a vague and foggy distal plane. Yet it impacts on the daily life of managers in ways that seem largely invisible because they remain ignorant of what to see that provides the evidence the distal environment is relevant to their current practices.The net effect becomes the same as the manager holding the conservative view of management. Failing to see the situation from a global perspective and holding the view of the adaptive manager, thinking one’s actions are helping, they are really doing the opposite,they may hold hostage and impede the effectiveness of the organization competing in the global marketplace. Relevant is a growing awareness that participatory team oriented learning needs to take priority over individualized instrumental learning (Sua´rez-Herrera et al., 2009).