FIGURE 1. Mean concentration of plasma cortiocosterone (A), triiodothyrine
(B), and thyroxine (C) for experiments 1 and 2 per treatment.
Tr 1 = feed was available and the broilers were not transported; Tr 2 =
feed withdrawal during the whole experiment; Tr 3 = feed withdrawal
for 10 h, and the broilers were caught and transported; Tr 4 = feed was
available until the moment that the broilers were caught and transported;
and Tr 5 = feed was available during the feed procedure but
removed during the transport intervention. Bars show standard errors
of the mean. a–cValues with different letters are significantly different for
experiment 1 (P < 0.05). w–yValues with different letters are significantly
different for experiment 2 (P < 0.05).