After identification of service quality and its related components, the competitive business world of both good and service sector was also interested in measurement of service quality for several years. Many researchers emphasized the importance and benefits of service quality measurements. For that reason, to be able to aware of service quality level and to learn the status of customer satisfaction, organizations used different models and measurement tools. Questionnaires answered by target customers were commonly used to reflect the customer satisfaction levels on critical service elements with regard to validity and reliability and a five and a seven point Likert-type scale were commonly applied in most research (Hung, et al., 2003). In addition, different models and tools were developed to measure service quality by both academics and people working in the area of service sector. One of these models is Grönroos model which emphasizes that service quality consists of three parts; first is institutional image, second is technical quality, the third is functional quality. Technical quality means what do customers buy or consume. The functional quality means how do customers buy or consume service