The Nile River maker life possible in Egypt. Every spring, the Nile overflows its banks and waters the fields where the people grow their food. If the Nile didn't overflow, all of Egypt would be a desert.
5 In ancient times, the Nile watered enough fields to grow food for everybody in Egypt. But there are many more people living there today than there were then. Then have had to plant more and more crops to grow enough food for everybody. They have had to build ditches and dams to hold all the water they need.
10 In 1962, the people of Egypt began working con a dam that would hold the waters of Nile in a huge lake. This lake would hold enough water to grow food for everybody in Egypt.
The people were happy about the dam, but one thing worried them. In southern Egypt, where they were they were building the dam, there were many
15 ancient temples and statues. When the water rose, the temples and statues would be covered by the lake.